JESUS OVER SHAME Jen Smidt » Shame overinflates itself and tries to crush us, but Jesus has conquered shame. Live in that freedom, and point others toward Jesus over shame. I am over my shame. God has driven a proverbial stake in the ground, right through the heart of...

4 Goals to Pursue in Parenting

4 Goals to Pursue in Parenting FROM William Boekestein Jul 15, 2013 Category: Articles Near the end of Colossians 3 God speaks his will to people who play a role in six different relationships; Wives, husbands, children, fathers, bondservants, and masters. Only to...


“Sanctified”- Mercy Me “Let there be no condemnation for all who are fully known in Christ unspeakable grace for all the nations by way of holy sacrifice we worship with the sound of broken shackles falling to the ground. [chorus] Sanctified I have...


WHAT IS GRACE? Justin Holcomb » “The very center and core of the whole Bible is the doctrine of the grace of God.” – J. Gresham Machen “Grace” is the most important concept in the Bible, Christianity, and the world. It is most clearly expressed in the promises of God...


GRACE ALL THE WAY Justin Holcomb » Some of my friends and others who reviewed my book On the Grace of God have told me that the fifth chapter was their favorite. So, I thought it would be a great idea to give it away for free! You can download a copy of chapter 5...