The Main Ingredient in Effective Prayer

The Main Ingredient in Effective Prayer by Jonathan Parnell It’s tragic how easily we can miss the main ingredient in effective prayer. In our sin, we’ve been rewired to focus on us — on the steps we should take for our prayers to be heard. We have this bent toward...

Not My Will Be Done: Maundy Thursday

Not My Will Be Done Maundy Thursday by Jon Bloom “Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” (Mark 14:36) Darkness had descended on Jerusalem. Its residents had finished their Passover meals. The lamb and...

When Jesus Prays for Your Faith

When Jesus Prays for Your Faith by Jonathan Parnell Jesus will give you another chance. Luke opens the book of Acts by making this clear. No matter how bad you may have messed up in the past, or how oblivious you may have been to the ways of God, or how stubborn you...

Accepting “No” as God’s Will

Accepting “No” as God’s Will FROM R.C. Sproul Found at I am astonished that, in the light of the clear biblical record, anyone would have the audacity to suggest that it is wrong for the afflicted in body or soul to couch their prayers for...