Christ himself is the builder

“He shall build the temple of the Lord; and he shall bear the glory.” Zechariah 6:13 Christ himself is the builder of his spiritual temple, and he has built it on the mountains of his unchangeable affection, his omnipotent grace, and his infallible...

Idolatry in Corporate Worship

Idolatry in Corporate Worship Article by Bob Kauflin Guest Contributor What’s your greatest hindrance to worshiping God as you gather with the church for corporate worship? I can think of a number of possible answers: Our song leader isn’t very experienced. The...

Your Church Needs to Hear You Sing

Your Church Needs to Hear You Sing Article by Matt Merker Guest Contributor I look down, and on the pages of my bulletin I see the words, Because the sinless Savior died My sinful soul is counted free For God the just is satisfied To look on him and pardon me. I look...

Do You Exercise Like a Nonbeliever?

Do You Exercise Like a Nonbeliever? Article by David Mathis Executive Editor, God made us to move, and to do so vigorously. And he wired our brains to reward and reinforce it with chemicals called “endorphins.” Exercise makes happier humans. Regular...