Idolatry in Corporate Worship

Idolatry in Corporate Worship Article by Bob Kauflin Guest Contributor What’s your greatest hindrance to worshiping God as you gather with the church for corporate worship? I can think of a number of possible answers: Our song leader isn’t very experienced. The...


By: Richard Pratt “It will be easy,” is what my friend kept telling me, saying it would be easy to write on walking free. I don’t know why he thought so. Maybe it’s because he was so free in Christ. Maybe he thought I was. I don’t know why, but I found out something...
How Does Worship Transform Us?

How Does Worship Transform Us?

Because we worship our way into sin, ultimately we need to worship our way out. When Christians commit sin, they do not cease worshiping. Rather, their worship is directed away from the Creator and toward created things. Repentance is the act of turning from sin and...
11 Ways to Find Your Idols

11 Ways to Find Your Idols

Find your idols Idols are sneaky. They tip toe past our brains, set up shop in a corner of our heart, and begin to grow. Most of the time we don’t even notice because we’ve fallen in love with the idol—it’s become part of what drives us and makes us (momentarily)...