6 Ways to Grow in the Gospels

6 Ways to Grow in the Gospels FROM William Boekestein A number of years ago I was about to preach for the first time in a certain church. As I arranged my papers and books I noticed a sign near the top of the pulpit. It was a quotation from John 12:21: “Sir, we wish...

Is Church Membership Biblical?

Is Church Membership Biblical? – By Matt Chandler “The spouse of Christ cannot be adulterous; she is uncorrupted and pure. She knows one home; she guards with chaste modesty the sanctity of one couch. She keeps us for God. She appoints the sons whom she has born...

Ode to the Church

Ode to the Church By David mathis Found at http://www.desiringgod.org/ There she stands in splendor, secure on the arm of her Father, adorned in brilliant white for her husband. The music sounds and beckons their short passage down the aisle. Once she had been...

Accepting “No” as God’s Will

Accepting “No” as God’s Will FROM R.C. Sproul Found at http://www.ligonier.org/ I am astonished that, in the light of the clear biblical record, anyone would have the audacity to suggest that it is wrong for the afflicted in body or soul to couch their prayers for...

4 Traits of Healthy Church Membership

4 Traits of Healthy Church Membership FROM William Boekestein found at http://www.ligonier.org/ Breakdowns in fellowship can be gut-wrenching events in the life of Christian churches. When we part unhappily with other members of Christ’s body, we can say with Robert...