JESUS OVER SHAME Jen Smidt » Shame overinflates itself and tries to crush us, but Jesus has conquered shame. Live in that freedom, and point others toward Jesus over shame. I am over my shame. God has driven a proverbial stake in the ground, right through the heart of...

Jesus Christ: The Lamb of God

Jesus Christ: The Lamb of God FROM R.C. Sproul Mar 04, 2013 Category: Articles This idea of the Lamb of God is a strand that runs throughout the history of redemption. It can be traced all the way back to Genesis 22, when God called Abraham to go to Mount Moriah and...


This post originally appeared on White Horse Inn. “The Gospel is the message, the salvation-bringing proclamation concerning Christ that he was sent by God the Father…to procure eternal life. The Law is contained in precepts, it threatens, it burdens, it...

Jesus Wants to Trade!

When Jesus touched or was purposefully touched, there was a lot happening. He was showing his solidarity with outcasts. He was identifying with them. Of that, there is no doubt. When you see people purposefully touching, you know they are at least good friends. But if...

It's Back! Trunk or Treat 2024 is coming Oct. 31st! Scroll to the clickable slide to sign up to Volunteer! Candy collection has started, and can be dropped off inside the main doors!!