Here’s the latest from our missionaries John and Darlene in France:

Hi Friends,

Springtime here in France is amazing!  We praise God for his beauty, majesty and creativity.  He is awesome!!  We hope you are also enjoying a beautiful spring.

It’s been about nine months that we have been here.  When we look back we can see the progress.  Near the beginning, my professor was asking us questions for practice.  She asked me (Darlene), “Comment vous appelez-vous?”  I responded, “Je voudrais une baguette, si’l vous plait.”  If you don’t know French, here is the translation:  “What is your name?”  “I would like a baguette, please.”    We have come a long ways!  We had the joy of speaking in French in the student service.  We enjoy worshiping and reading the Bible in French.  We are very thankful for our language partners, for their friendship and for the language practice.

We are thankful that our boys at the Academy are doing well.  Jack loved soccer.  Daniel’s is a member of the BFA 4×800 relay team in track that is going to the European championships this weekend.  Daniel will be a worship team leader next year, and Jack will be a sound tech for a worship team.  Karis continues to have a good attitude this year, but she is clearly excited for next year when she will join her brothers at BFA.  (John and I do not share her excitement!  ☹).  We can’t wait for mid-June when our boys finish school and our family will all be together again!

“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.”  – Proverbs 16:9   We have learned this through the years!

We have a couple major prayer requests.  Would you join us in praying?  The first big prayer request is that we need a French driver’s license. We have a deadline of mid-August.  If we are not able to transfer our license from Jordan by that time, we will not be able to drive here and will need to take driving lessons and pass the written and driving test.  This will take a lot of time and money!

Our second big prayer request is that we are doing “House Hunters International” here .  Not really, but we are looking for a house in the Toulouse area.  We face the challenge that insurance companies and landlords do not want the risk of foreign tenants.  Insurance does not cover foreigners like they do French rentors.  We are praying for a spot that will feel like home for our kids and be well-placed for ministry.

Au bon coin” in French means “at a good spot”.  As we look for a home, we are looking for a “good spot.”  This makes me think of how we as humans avoid pain and difficulty.  It’s only natural; we want to be at a “good spot.” As God’s children, our “good spot” is not in our circumstances but in our relationship with him.  Our prayer is that we will trust God more and more and find our “good spot” in HIM.

LORD, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure.

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;

Surely I have a delightful inheritance.

I will praise the LORD who counsels me; 

even at night my heart instructs me.  

I keep my eyes always on the LORD.

With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

-Psalms 16:5-8

I (Darlene) want to give thanks for the Lord’s touch in my life.  Many of you have prayed for good sleep and health.  I have experienced remarkably good health this year.  Thank you, LORD!  And thank you for your prayers!


-Perseverance in our French studies

-A home in Toulouse, our “au bon coin”

-Grace and favor in obtaining our French driver’s licenses

-Yvette (our landlady):  We have been able to share that our hope of salvation is in Christ alone; please pray she will find the same.

-Rehbia (Darlene’s language partner) for new life in Christ


-Good health

-A good adjustment for our kids in this year of transition

Best blessings to you all,
John and Darlene
Daniel, Jack, and Karis

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