
The purpose for the Men’s Ministry at Sierra Bible Church is to serve it’s men through Bible study, prayer, fellowship, support, and friendship. It is prayerfully intended that our men become more fully alive and aware of who they are in our Lord Jesus and His perfect purposes for them and that His glory would shine through their lives as they function in their families, the church, and the community.

Men’s Studies 

Leader: Andy Finch 530.999.2535
Time: Thursdays @ 7am
Location: Contact Andy for location

Leader: Jon Howard 530.263.2267
Time: Mondays @ 6pm
Location: Contact Jon for location

Leader: Zach Osness 970.209.4554
Time: Fridays @ 6am
Location: Contact Zach for location

Check out our Community Groups page for a full list of studies/ groups for you to plug into!


SBC Men’s Rubicon Trip

Join us October 4-6th for our Men’s Trip on the Rubicon! Space is extremely limited, so register now! Click the slide to register.

Contact Stefan Glander for details or with questions. 530.448.1865 or


Men’s Breakfasts

We meet at 7:30am twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Saturday for breakfast, fellowship, and Bible studies.

Contact: Jesse Richardson or 530.587.6025