gifts from the lord_wide_t_nv

I had been listening to a sermon this week and reminded me of how I am to use what God has given me and not strive to be like someone else. The passage is from Matthew 25:14- 30 but I would like to focus on the first two verses

“For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately went on a journey.”

As I listened and read this passage the words “to each according to his own ability” rang into my head. God has given each of us a set of gifts. Some 1, some 2 and indeed some 5 or more. Many times I have found myself looking at someone else and what they have been given and have been jealous and have asked the question to God  “Why not me?” As I listened to this sermon the preacher stated “God is not fair…  for if he were fair than we would not have anything for we are deserving of nothing but death!”  I indeed needed to repent for God tells us right here that he gives us “according to our ability” not based on our merit. If God gave us too much it would be like given a job to do with no instructions and expected to perform as if you knew everything but you find your self overwhelmed and working at less than your optimal level,

But God in his infinite wisdom, mercy and grace decided to give me gifts that are fitting for me and are unique to me. Yes others may have similar gifts but God choose these one’ s for me and I am to use them to the best of my ability  and not just bury them and keep them to myself. Furthermore, not to look at the one’s that have more than myself and covet. His/Her gifts were chosen for them not me! Each of us are fearfully and wonderfully made and God knew what he was doing even before we were born.

Jer 1:5 Before I formed you in your mothers womb I knew you

So lets be thankful for what we have and use it for the glory of the Lord. I do not want to be caught not doing the work of the Master when the Master returns, do you? Lets be about the Fathers business and multiply what he has granted to you and to me.

Pastor Brad

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